Thursday, August 20, 2009

Blog Moving!

Soon, I must say goodbye to Google's Blogger... (sniff sniff) - It's been great but I need more from this relationship and quite frankly you just aren't giving me enough flexibility to work with; therefore, our relationship must soon come to an end...

If you currently subscribe to '' you have nothing to do, everything will propagate automatically...

If you currently subscribe to '' you will have to update your subscription to:

This change will take place over the next several days and depending upon the speed of servers around the world, it may take up to 72 hours to reflect the changes...

Again, blogspot... I will miss you... It's been a good year together... Since I started blogging last September, there have been over 4,000 unique visitors from 31 different countries!

-Rick O

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A Little A.S.H.S. Children Session

On Saturday I headed down to Westport to capture these little cuties! It was extremely humid out around noontime and wow did these two have super amounts of energy!

Before we headed out though, I managed to grab a few shots inside, with a little stair action here!


A little sisterly love!

-Rick O

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Little Baby O!

Saturday morning I had a meeting with a couple to discuss their wedding and Kristin's niece "Baby O" was there and I just had to grab a couple quick shots before I left!!!

How freaking cute is she??? :)

-Rick O

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Assistant Alyssa!

Every once in a while I have someone occasionally contact me regarding 2nd shooting or assisting in some of the photography I do... Alyssa is one of those individuals who contacted me several weeks ago via a referral!

Alyssa is a graduate of RPI with a degree in biomedical engineering and also studied photography (maybe I can learn something and finally figure out what I am doing!)..

I had a session scheduled today which was cancelled due to weather, and Alyssa still wanted to head out... We went down to the beach, here in Woodmont and I grabbed a few images.

Ya know I love the brick walls LOL!

And a little beach action here as well!

It was great heading out with ya today! Can't wait to see some of your images from today!

-Rick O


Well, I was in and around the beach this afternoon and I saw this old man walking along the beach and definitely needed to capture him - he had so much character.. Felt like I knew him all my life - we just chatted for a bit about life and he truly was a gem...

Grabbed this shot as he was walking towards me..

After a few minutes of confabulation he was laughing contagiously!

-Rick O